MD Simulations on the Coagulation of
Linear Carbon Molecules into Nanoparticles

Collaboration with Prof. T. Wakabayashi at Kyoto University, Japan

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MD simulation on the sublimation process of a neon matrix containing linear carbon molecules. The system consists of 8000 Ne atoms and isolated C20 molecules (1600 carbon atoms, Ne:C = 5). The system is heated up from 20 to 40 K in the first 400 ps by controlling the average temperature of the Ne atoms near the bottom.

Animation (2,129 KB)

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MD simulation on the sublimation process of a neon matrix containing linear carbon molecules. The system consists of 8000 Ne atoms and isolated C20 molecules (1600 carbon atoms, Ne:C = 5). The system is heated up from 20 to 40 K in the first 400 ps by controlling the average temperature of the Ne atoms near the bottom.

Animation (2,491 KB)
might take a while to load!

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